Why click waste UK

  • No credit check
  • No long term contract
  • Freedom to cancel at any time
  • Change services as and when you need them
  • Free bin rental. Our service includes all the required bins as standard
  • Switching can save up to 33% against your current deal
  • Duty of Care included. We don’t charge extra for waste transfer notes
  • UK wide coverage
  • Working with 500 providers, we compare costs to get the best deal for you
  • 4,000 customers can’t be wrong
  • Multi-award winning business
  • Climate friendly waste solutions

Pay for your collections in advance and enjoy the benefits of a waste plan without the headaches you get from a regular contract deal.

Glass Waste

We offer you everything, but without the contract…

You can change or cancel your plan at any time…

Switching can save up to 33% against your current deal…

If you find a better deal anywhere else, we’ll match it and give you 10% of your first bill.

Glass Waste Disposal Services

Here at Click Waste UK, we offer an extensive range of waste management services and specialise in providing the best waste management solutions to thousands of small businesses across the UK. Included in our services is our glass waste disposal and glass recycling service.

If you regularly dispose of broken glass bottles and jars, then we can help you out. Whether you manage a bar, restaurant or just dispose of a large number of glass jars from your kitchen or staff canteen then you will benefit from our glass recycling service plan.

We can provide you with internal and external glass recycling bins and arrange for the regular collection of glass so you can focus on what matters – your business and your customers. We will help you decide which of our services you would benefit from before agreeing on a glass waste collection schedule that minimises disruption to your business and gives you one less thing to worry about.

Glass Waste Disposal, Collection & Recycling Services


Why Should You Recycle Glass?

Choosing to recycle glass has benefits for both the environment and your safety. Taking advantage of our glass waste disposal service reduces the chances of accidents and injuries occurring in the workplace.

When glass bottles and jars are placed into black bin bags and handled as general waste, you risk injuring your staff. If any of the glass is broken and has sharp edges you’re not able to see this in a black bin bag. There have been many incidents where staff have cut themselves whilst carrying these bags from inside a premises to the external bins because they aren’t aware of what the bag contains. By separating your glass bottles and jars from everything else you throw away, you’re able to manage the risk better. We advise that you use small internal bins with no bin liner. This way, you can carry the small bin outside to tip the contents into the bins we can provide for collection.

Recycling your glass bottles and jars also significantly benefits our environment. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled an infinite number of times. Sadly, if glass ends up in a landfill site, it will never degrade. Amazingly, the energy saved by recycling just one glass bottle is the equivalent of powering a computer for 25 minutes.

How Is Glass Recycled?

Recycled glass can be substituted for up to 95% of virgin raw material. If you select our Glass Recycling service plan, your glass waste will be collected, sorted, washed, crushed, and melted. This means that it can be moulded into any shape and is ready to be used time and time again to make new products. You will sometimes hear this being referred to as “the circular economy”. You are effectively extending the lifecycle of materials rather than sourcing new material to add to manufacturing processes.

If this sounds like something your business needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team to find out more about how we can help you work towards a more sustainable future. Additionally, if you have any questions, take a look at our FAQ page, where you will find more information about our waste management services.


Free Quote

Save up to 33%

Request a call back for a fast FREE quote for your business waste collections.

  • UK wide coverage
  • No long term contract
  • Freedom to cancel at any time

If you are unsure about any of these questions call 01303 815113

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